Learn Why Business Owners like You Acquire More Clients and Multiply Revenue When They Can Tell Captivating Stories
Taught by Michael Hauge, Hollywood Story Expert
Will Smith,
Men in Black, Ali, Hitch, The Pursuit of Happyness, I am Legend, Hancock
"No one is better than Michael Hauge at finding what is most authentic in every moment of a story."
Photo by Gage Skidmore
Why Stories Are The Key To Your Success
Has this ever happened to you?

You’re in front of an audience at a conference, or across the table from a prospective client, desperate to convince them that your process, service, or product is just what they need. 

This isn’t hype – you know for a fact that you’re offering exactly what will solve their problem and improve their lives or their businesses. 

So you tell them how it works. You reveal how effective it’s been. You have the data to prove it. And you have testimonials to back you up. 

And as you lay it all out, you can see their eyes start to glaze over, sense that they’re starting to fidget, and notice them glancing down at their cell phones. And you can feel another opportunity slipping away.

Or have you ever had a similar experience with an email marketing campaign, or your blog, or your latest business or self-help book? Your open rate is low, responses start to dwindle, and revenue is less than what you hoped for?

Here’s why that happened. Just one reason: your presentation wasn’t emotional.

Sure, YOU were emotional, as you quietly or passionately or cleverly or powerfully made your case. 

But the people listening to you or reading what you wrote weren’t emotionally involved. They simply didn’t FEEL anything when they experienced your message.

But What if You Could Change All That?

Imagine if every time you gave a speech or presentation, wrote a book, a blog, or a marketing email, or made a sales pitch to a prospective client or buyer, you had the power to compel them to take action.

"I was sitting across the table from a fellow marketer when he told me, 'Just one of the stories Michael helped me craft allowed me to bring in over $315,000 in just one evening. He’s transformed how I think and how I communicate.' As soon as I heard that, I reached out to Michael Hauge. I've never met anyone that gets more excited about story than he does. He understands, on a deep visceral level, how to elicit that 'emotional impact' from a story. Maybe he's the best in the world at it. I can think of no better person than Michael to help you make magic happen."

-- Andre Chaperon, Writer. Author. Entrepreneur.

What if instead of just describing the benefits of your product or process, you could give your potential clients or buyers the experience of the success or the happiness you’re promising?

What if your presentations not only increased your sales, they created a deeper, more genuine, and more lasting relationship with anyone hearing or reading what you have to say?

And what if they did all this without your prospects feeling like they’ve been “pitched?”

All these things are possible. For you, right now.

If you just start telling better stories.
“Michael Hauge's story coaching called me forward to share personal stories that made a huge connection with the audience and represented a personal breakthrough for me. And, with a very soft sell, I came home with four-figures in product sales, 3 more invitations to speak, and 3 people asking for personal coaching!"

-- Nancy Juetten, Get Known Get Paid mentor and speaker; author: Bye-Bye Boring Bio Workbook; contributing author: Speak More: Marketing Strategies to Get More Speaking Business
Well-told stories do many things:
  • They entertain
  •  They educate
  •  They inspire
  •  They hold the interest of listeners and readers
  •  They create a stronger connection between audiences and storytellers
  •  They deliver information in a simpler, more involving way than facts and figures and diagrams
  •  They move people into action
    But outstanding stories achieve one more powerful objective: they give listeners and readers the emotional experience of success.

    A great story is presented in such a way that your potential buyer, client, or subscriber identifies with the hero of that story and experiences the emotion of the story through that character. 

    When you tell a story about someone whose life was improved or transformed by your product, process or principles, your potential buyers will feel the way your hero felt when he or she succeeded. 

    So HOW do you learn to tell these magically powerful stories?

    You look to those who have mastered the art of storytelling.

    And who makes more money telling stories than anyone in the world?

    Hollywood movies made $11,000,000,000 at the box office last year. 

    That’s a lot of butts in seats.

    And that was just in the U.S. and Canada. It doesn’t include WORLDWIDE box office (an even bigger number). Or video. Or cable. Or airplanes and hotels.

    Or television.

    All of that money, all of that success, and all of those lives touched and transformed, are because of one simple fact. 

    Movies elicit EMOTION – they make us feel better.

    “Your coaching made a huge difference to my presentation. I had so many people come up and tell me how they connected with the story, and I saw a few folks wiping tears during the story so I know it was impactful. I got more new speaking opportunities than I ever had from a single event. I couldn't have done it and hit the home run I did without you.”

    -- Kevin Henry, Cofounder, IgniteDA.net

    For more than 30 years I have worked with screenwriters, filmmakers, studios and movie stars, helping them create film and television scripts that will touch people deeply and powerfully.

    And when you’re able to apply the same magic formula to your stories that Hollywood has been using so successfully for more than a century – a formula I’ve been using with my clients for three decades – you, too, will be able to change the emotional state of your potential clients, convince them to take action, and greatly increase your profits, as you transform their lives.

    In a couple days, I’ll get back in touch to tell you what that magic formula is – and how you can use it simply and easily to achieve the success you long for.
    Copyright 2017 - Michael Hauge